Me playing: "Lick and A Promise" / Aerosmith

弾いてみた・エアロスミス編、今回は名盤 "ROCKS" 収録の "Lick and A Promise" に挑戦!


Here's me playing "Lick and A Promise", the new one for my Aerosmith Cover series!

Steven's impressive chorus work heard in the pre-chorus section reminds me of 70's west coast vibe, which was interesting to me considering that they're Bostoners.



Including this song, the entire ROCKS album consists of tons of raw and cool guitar riffs. Somehow I always see similarities between them and some Ted Nugent stuff.




Here's the video from Texas Jam '78.

As for me, who traced back their catalogs from Geffen era to Columbia one, it took some time to accept this too rough and unpolished guitar sound. (though older rock fans were always praising it...)


Hope you all enjoy my cover!


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