MAID Fans United!

Another BAND-MAID live streaming concert is just around the corner! 

Well, no-audience...again.

We should remember and keep in mind that they are not the only band who has been hit hard by the pandemic, but I don't blame you even if you exclusively pray for the band's much better luck.


A few weeks ago when my twitter mate @IshiStrings learnt this upcoming show is going to be no-audience again, he got determined to do something to encourage them, which ended up magnificent "about Us Remote Cover Project".

Once he started recruiting fellow masters and princesses (this is how the band calls "US"!) who wanted to play and sing along with him and his wife, it successfully caught the attention of the like-minded.

In the end, more than 50 fans joined this submission-based project sending him a ton of files to be incorporated, from performance videos, themed-pics to messages. 

As a guitar player who also casually enjoys recordings at home, I can't imagine how tough it is to edit & produce all these tracks & videos recorded in completely different settings respectively.

Even more so if you want to finish it before a fast approaching event.

If you're a fan of BAND-MAID, you certainly know what is sung in it.

It's all about "stay together, stay resilient together, move forward together".

Is there any other better suited B-M song to give them energy back? Just check it out.

Though not being a part of this project, I always enjoy to see this kind of involvement among music fans!

Me and Songs

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